Sl.No. Name of the Project Features

Electronic Voting Machine

1. Push button to cast vote.

2. Confirmation display on LCD once vote is cast.

3. Counting the number of vote received by the nominee.

4. Multiple nominee option are available to cast vote.


Automatic Railway Gate Controller

1. Railway barrier gate open and close based on train direction.

2. Made for single track.


Sun Tracker- Single axis

1. Solar panel rotates in x-axis to receive perpendicular solar irradiation.

2. Solar panel moves in both upward and downward.


IR Based Obstacle Detector

1. Detects the availabality of an object near the detector using infrared sensor.

2. Onboard potentiometer lets user adjust the detection range.


Password Based Door Lock

1. Correct password will allow the door to unlock.

2. System will not take any more password if wrong password entered 3 times simultaneously.

3. Can be reset from administrator.


DC Motor Controller

1. Rotates DC motor in clockwise and anticlockwise direction.

2. Speed of motor can be increased or decreased.


Drone Assembly & Programming

1. Assembly of drone using spare parts of drone.

2. Customizable as per need.


Arduino Voice Controlled Car

1. Vehicle moves forward, backward, left and right on voice command.


Students may opt to do any other project. Disclaimer: The Centre only claims to support the project. Completion and submission responsibility lies on the student.

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